
Top Producer Announces Mac Compatibility

Top Producer announced yesterday that Mac users are now able to edit letters. It has been capable of editing emails, but not letters, post cards, fliers, or presentations such as CMA’s. So you’ve been able to edit email, now you can edit letters, and the rest is still on the honey-do list.

My first thought was that it was a shame that you still can’t edit the rest. My second thought was that none of the other good CRMs provide a desktop publisher at all, let alone Mac friendly. So basically this puts them even with the rest of the competition on that note, where it was once a con on the pro and  con comparison list.

So from what I’ve seen there is no editor to install as there is for Windows users, so it should be seamless. Apparently the editor for the letters is the same one you use for emails so it should be a piece of cake!

So it’s brand new and all I know at this point is what I have been told. Have anything to add?