I don’t know if you could find samples on Dave’s site, but I couldn’t, so here you go. Hope it helps!

Dave Beson Sample Letters
Sample from
7 Year Follow-Up: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help you make a great move and congratulations on your new home!
William Shakespeare once said, “When I was at home, I was at a better place.” I hope that you’re finding this sentiment to be true in your new home.
All my best wishes to you in your “better place.”
Sample from
7 Year Follow-up: Letter #2
Dear Sally,
It’s Month #2 in your new home and, chances are, you’re still living out of a few boxes, or looking for the few boxes that have somehow succeeded in eluding you.
Moving in and getting settled is a huge undertaking. I know, because I’m involved in the process every day. If there’s something you need; supplies, a question answered, the phone number of a vendor or a workman, maybe you just need some help locating a few missing boxes, please don’t hesitate to call.
My interest in your complete satisfaction continues.
All my best,
Sample from
Expireds: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
Did you know that 60% of all the homes that enter the real estate marketplace end up as expired listings?
Unfortunately, statistics like these only serve to tell you that you’re in the majority. They don’t tell you how to jump into the minority. But perhaps I can help: If you would be willing to give me your insights into why your home hasn’t sold, I would be willing to give you my suggestions on how I think it could be sold.
This offer is designed to keep me up-to-date on changes in the marketplace. And to give you the opportunity to see if I might be the salesperson who can help you jump into the precious minority of home sellers.
Please call at your convenience and we’ll arrange a time for a visit to your property.
Sample from
FSBO’s: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
Congratulations! And welcome to the challenging world of real estate marketing!
Many homeowners who decide to sell their own homes find the job of marketing to be frustrating and time-consuming, mostly because they don’t have a marketing plan.
I would encourage you to sit down, at your earliest convenience, and create a marketing plan for your home. What are its selling features? Who is your market and how will you reach it? Will you run ads or send mailings? Post signs? Hold open houses?
After you hammer out the details of your strategy, your plan may work without professional assistance, and if it does, great! If, however, you find that you have a question that requires a straight answer (being somewhat new to selling homes, you may often feel like you’re getting the run-around), don’t hesitate to give me a call.
As always, there’s no obligation.
Sample from
LetterWriter PLUS
Referrals: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
“The service we render others is really the rent we pay for our room on
earth.” -Wilfred Grenfell
One of the most challenging things about the real estate business is
the variety of ways we serve our clients and customers – from advising,
to marketing, to financing, to construction, to you name it!
If you are interested, or know of anyone else who could benefit from
our services, I’d love to hear from you.
Your support, as always, means a lot to me.
Sample from
LetterWriter PLUS
Open House Follow-up: Letter #12
Dear Sally,
Somebody once said that “luck is where preparation and opportunity meet.” I believe this is true, especially in the business of buying and selling homes—that’s why I spend a lot of my time learning about market trends, area features and specific property information.
Visiting open houses and finding a home on your own takes hard work and a little luck, too. I’m prepared to help you. If you take the opportunity to call (anytime!), we’ll have all the “luck” we need to accomplish your real estate goals and desires.
Sample from
LetterWriter PLUS
Favorite Homes Campaign: Letter #14
Dear Sally,
Whenever I’m out doing business in your neighborhood, I’m always reminded about how much I love your home. You’ve really done a beautiful job maintaining it. Because of the way I feel about your home, I’ve always felt that it would be a pleasure to help you with your real estate needs.
If you ever have any questions about real estate, please remember that you have a “friend in the business.” Call me anytime.
Sample from
Website Lead Follow-up: Letter #2
Dear Sally,
Finding your home is a process of discovery.
As you learn more about what you’re looking for, you’ll have more questions about whether what you want exists. And more importantly, where to find it!
You may feel that you are just beginning your search. You are still in the ‘information gathering’ phase. There is lot’s of data and there are many decisions to be made. Sometimes in searching on the Internet, in ads, and ‘on the road’, you begin with a tour in mind, and your search becomes an expedition, instead. Whatever your timeframe, I can help.
In the course of your house-hunting adventure, I’d like you to remember one thing: I’m always available to answer any questions you may have. Call me first, then we’ll continue the search, together.
Sample from
Technology Tips: Letter #10
Dear Sally,
Going to the movies is not the same as it was when I was growing up.
Oh, you can still have popcorn. And you can enjoy the suspense, humor, music, or theatrics. But you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home. Thanks to cable, satellite and videos, we see lots of movies. Now, with DVD’s, we can see shows in movie format, with stereo sound, and even including some special effects or bonus segments.
If you find it tough to select the right DVD to rent while standing in front of the rental racks, you are not alone. If you balk at purchasing an armload of DVD’s at twenty bucks each, or more, then you’ll love a site which delivers all the DVD’s you want to watch for just $20.00 per month. (This offer may change, so check it out.)
Go to http://www.neflicks.com. You’ll see that they offer a unique approach to renting DVD’s. Rent as many as three DVD’s at a time, for as long as you wish, with no late fees. Receive and return the DVD’s with no shipping charges. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, check it out for yourself.
I specialize in giving you and your friends and family all the real estate service you need in order to make the right decision. Whether it’s buying, selling, investing, or just a question, you can call on me. Enjoy the movies!
Sample from
LetterWriter PLATINUM
Ten Year Follow up: Letter #17
Dear Sally,
“Everyone is within walking distance if you have the time.” Steve Wright
You know you can do almost anything, if you put your mind to it. But is it worth the time, effort and potential frustration? For example, there are folks who look for homes all over the place for months or years and end up confused, rather than settled.
There are lots of folks wondering about whether this is a good time to sell their home and move into another one, whether lager or smaller, or smaller but more convenient, or just different.
There is a lot to consider when making a move and chances are working with someone who has been through the process dozens of times before, will save you time. So start walking towards my office. Call me or email me. I’m here for you.
Best Regards,
Sample from
LetterWriter PLATINUM
Understanding Foreclosure letters: Letter #11
Dear Sally,
Thinking positively comes naturally to me. I believe that I can have a positive impact on my life, and the lives of others. That’s a goal.
But some people who think positively are in a tough situation right now. They may have purchased both a home, a car, a second car, etc. just as real estate values contracted and their mortgage rate has re-set to 2, 3,or 4 percent more interest than they were accustomed to paying.
Exotic mortgages and a positive expectation may have been a good thing, until the real estate market corrected, rates re-set and one of the many bad things that CAN HAPPEN to some good people, may have happened.
Being laid off, experiencing a medical situation, divorce, or any number of other real life occurrences can dash the best laid plans of ordinary people, and force them into extraordinary situations.
If you or a friend is dealing with a tough situation involving real estate, call me sooner, rather than later. Chances are I’ll have answers to your questions. Our discussion is confidential and there is no cost or obligation. Call me when you need me.
All my best,
Sample from
LetterWriter PLATINUM
Designation promotion letters: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
“To desire and strive to be some service in the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase that happiness and welfare and virtue and mankind-This is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely is a good haven to sail for.” Henry Van Dyke
My goal is to serve customers and clients better than ever before. My approach has been to connect with the best practices in my industry. In order to be truly leading edge in every department, I have invested in education and courses that lead to the prestigious CRS designation.
As a Certified Residential Specialists, I have attended the course work, passed exams, and met the criteria for the next level of success. The systems and strategies learned can boost productivity and increase my effectiveness with clients.
If you would like to know more about my dedication to service, just give me a call.
It is my pleasure to serve you, and your friends and family.
Sample from
LetterWriter PLATINUM
Promoting your real estate TEAM: Letter #1
Dear Sally,
1. A TEAM comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose.
Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks. That is why we have built our team to serve you even better.
Complexities in the real estate process, changes in the economy, and competition in the marketplace have caused us to take another look at how we do business for you. We observed that the demands of our customers and clients are increasing due to our “instant results” mindset. Perhaps promoted by the Internet, or cell phone, or instant messaging, whatever the reason, folks just are not prepared to wait.
If you want the same great service we have always provided, and more, please call upon my real estate team.
Best Regards,