I do realize that very few people read testimonials but if you’re one of the few, here you go! I’m proud so many people have taken the time. Many have links to the person’s site so you can actually talk to them if you like.

“…says Gary David Hall, industry leader in CRM software.” – Press Release

“…and Gary David Hall, the foremost Real Estate CRM Consultant in North America…” PRWeb

“Gary is the guru for all things real estate CRM. There is probably no one on the planet more knowledgeable than him on this subject.”

“The supreme high Poo-Bah for CRMs is Gary David Hall – his website is a treasure trove of info.”

“You would do well to connect with Gary David Hall, in my mind the foremost expert on all things CRM.”

“Thanks again for recommending RV to me. You really listened to what we needed and I would never have found them on my own.”

“Gary knows his stuff. When first contacted over 2 years ago, the advice he gave provided minimal financial return for him, but it was the absolute best advice for us. When contacted again this year, we were ready to fully utilize his consulting services. He knows more about real estate software programs than anyone else and honestly advises based upon your individual needs and circumstances. Thank you Gary! It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you”

“It would be my pleasure to relate my experience with Gary David Hall. After lots of frustration with regard to my past 2 CRM systems, I felt I could not afford to make another mistake.
My research from trusted advisors along with years of personal knowledge about Gary, lead me to contact him as a consultant. I explained to him what I was attempting to achieve. He recommended a CRM that I had acquired with a recently purchased competitor, but was not using. I thoroughly investigated that CRM and found Gary’s opinion and facts to be correct. As it turns out, this was not only the best product for me, but the only one that would do almost everything I needed (with the one remaining request to be addressed by the software company within the year).
I then asked Gary to take the data from two separate CRMs and merge them into my selected choice (one I was currently using but was at the end of its useful life and the other CRM was part of my acquisition and would not work well in a team environment).
Time was important to me as I couldn’t work with three systems, nor could I add data to any of them while I was transitioning. Gary worked over the weekend and in the evenings to facilitate my transition. His prices were very fair and he didn’t charge for time where installations failed do to the terminated software company’s server errors.
I anticipate using Gary’s services again with my next project.”

“Gary I just want to commend you. You are the definition of Service. You are a true Professional. Thank you, Steve”

A Real Talk post:
(Real Talk is a “list-serv” comprised of over 150,000 members)
Michael wrote:
Can anyone tell me their experiences with Top Producer and/or ACT? Or does anyone have any other products that they would recommend instead…?
Don responds:
“I was a long time (15 years) ACT user. The last decent version of ACT was 6.0. Since that release Sage bought Act and basically destroyed a great product. Their first “new” version (Act 2005) was so bad that no one could make it work…Act 2006 wasn’t much better…2007 is so convoluted that ACT consultants suggest hiring a consultant to install the software. I spent 9 months trying to get ACT 2007 to work properly & finally threw in the towel.
Through this list I was introduced to Gary David Hall https://garydavidhall.com/ and have found him to be a true guru when it comes to contact management software. He sells them all: Act, Top Producer, Agent Office etc.
Not only is Gary knowledgeable, but he has taken the time to listen to my needs, offer solid suggestions, provide working copies of the leading contact management software on a trial basis and finally I settled on Agent Office, Version 10 which I purchased directly from Gary’s web site.
When I was ready to convert my 800+ contacts from Act to Agent Office, Gary was there…logging on to my computer via the internet to assist in getting the new software set up & the Act files moved over.
Gary offers additional help in maximizing the Agent Office software which I plan to avail myself of soon.
I’ve only been using Agent Office for less than a month, but it works! It also runs circles around Act.
P.S. I’m not on Gary’s payroll…… just a happy customer.
Kind regards to all,”

A Real Talk post:
(Real Talk is a “list-serv” comprised of over 50,000 members)
“I just wanted to share with everyone that I spoke with Gary last week about changing my contact management software after he answered a post of mine here. Gary was easy to talk with, gave me plenty of time to explain my entire situation and set-up, and directed me to several different options giving me pros and cons to each. Ultimately, we arrived at a solution together, which I think is the best for me. Thank you, Gary for your excellent, unbiased help and for taking the time to understand my situation before making recommendations. I highly recommend Gary to everyone here. He is an excellent resource as most who have been members of this listserv know. I sincerely appreciate your consultant approach to my challenge. Thanks, again, Gary!!!”

Some kind words from someone who bought one product from me, did not like it, returned it, and didn’t know I could also sell her Top Producer:
“Your professionalism is outstanding. I am very impressed by your willingness to “Make Things Right”. It is rare in today’s world. I would love to know more about what you do and who you are affiliated with. I have signed up with Top Producer and am very happy with the system. I am currently looking at Real……….. If you have an affiliation with them or another lead system, please let me know. I would love to continue some sort of business with you as you have earned my trust. You must have similar standards to mine and the Core Values I live by. There should be more people like you out there. I have also shared your information and standards with many agents in my workshops & offices. I have referred several people over to Top Producer that have signed up after seeing my presentations. Would you gain from me referring them to you instead to get them on with Top Producer?
Thank You again and I truly hope we can have dealings in the future in some format.”

“Hi Gary, I wanted to follow up with you regarding the success of our Contact Management/CRM software and especially the “Activity Plans” that you helped us to implement.
As you know, we have for some time been operating with extensive manual “check lists”. The check lists we designed were created with two main objectives. First to enable us to work as a complete team, and second as a complete management tool for our client’s entire real estate process.
With your help, we were able to fully automate our own 432 step process into the Contact Management/CRM system. Having used the system now for over a year, I can attest to you the success it has had on our business. Being able to launch plans (not check lists) has made our operation much more efficient and complete. Those in the office responsible for managing client files no longer need to improvise and second guess the process. Each step is automatically set up on their desktop w/ step by step procedures as a reference if they need it.
Our office manager has been able to alter the plans as needed, enhancing our ability to customize a particular client’s process or to simply edit a plan for efficiency. Our entire business model’s servicing process is in our Contact Management/CRM and is the tool of choice in our company. I want to thank you for your expertise and guidance in helping us to automate our servicing process.
It has made a world of difference to all of us and most importantly helped our client’s receive a thorough and completely managed real estate process.
If fully servicing a client is important, I recommend the real estate professional automate their process. No more hand written notes, no more “to do’s” falling through the cracks, no more embarrassing phone calls of what was forgotten, no more sleepless nights wondering what was done or left undone. It is all there, in the system, documented and professionally managed.”

“I have been using AgentOffice for over a year now and I still find new things it can do for me.
After trying to get Outlook to print some labels I bought an older version of AO and fell in love with it. I like programs that think like me and don’t have a long learning curve. I figured this one would work. I used it for several months and kept finding new areas and capabilities. Finally I broke down and took a class from Gary David Hall. WOW! That was money Well Spent! Gary knows his programs and is a good teacher. I learned a whole lot and was able to put it to good use.
One example: I used to print out my mailings and then I had to sort them by zip code. AO will sort them for you. The printing process is about as simple as it can get. I was very happy how easy and quick it goes.
Another: Listing Plans come with the program. Gary Hall wrote a set called TransPlans. They are Very Thorough. I was suprised at some of the things he came up with to remind me to do. Some are not relavant to my practice but most are and it is very easy to delete the ones you don’t need.”

A Real Talk Post:
“Gary Hall first came to my attention through Real Talk. His regular posts, generosity of knowledge and accurate observations led me into his website www.GaryDavidHall.com. For anyone who has not yet bookmarked this site, I strongly suggest a visit. You will find it a labyrinth of excellent real estate resources.
My first contact with Gary was a personal consultation. Gary was on the phone and in my computer via “GoToMeeting” to import my contacts into my newly acquired Agent Office software. From this point on, my business was operating on a new level and Gary was a permanent part of my Team. I have attended his classes and look forward to his help in the future to expand my business.
I strongly recommend Gary’s services to all Real Estate professionals. Gary has helped me to sharpen my edge over the competition, and has showed me many ways to optimize my time. Thanks Gary.”

“Hi Gary – Because I’m a good student who listens to the instructor :>), I created the activity plans you recommended while I was taking your class. And I’m thrilled that I did. As you promised in the class, my stress level is dramatically reduced. I’m juggling 9 transactions at the moment, and don’t worry about a thing because my CRM tells me every day what needs to be done. If some unforeseen event needs to be scheduled, I just add it to the plan. I love it!
On another subject (a favorite of yours), I had some hiccups early on with my CRM and somehow couldn’t access my data. But, thanks to your recommendations, I bought Eazy Backup and religiously backed up my CRM just about every day. Thus, I was able to retrieve everything once I cured the hiccups. Then, this week, I had a weird virus (at least, I assume it was a virus), and after 6 hours on the phone with Dell and my ISP techs, my only option was to reformat the hard drive. The bad news: Reformatting and re-installing all my programs took the better part of two days (I had no idea how many programs I use regularly). The good news: Eazy Backup had all my data, and that took less than 30 minutes to restore. Now I’m back in business. Thank you, Gary Hall!”

“…My experience of your training of Agent Office is that you are thorough, totally competent, patient (which is essential), maintain a sense of humor, add value from your own data base of real estate documents and personal real estate experience, and a valuable asset in the essential dialogue of setting up a real estate office contact/day to day business management program. You are also generous with your time and have a lot of stamina to get the job/goals accomplished. As to the use of PC anywhere (I use GoToMeeting now – much better and easier), it is quite simply about 99% as good as being in the same room with you; no drawback or diminished effectiveness whatsoever. I appreciate all your effort.”

“I am so thankful that I found out about your consulting. It was the answer to my Team’s flagrant offense of purchasing technology, installing software, and then not spending any time or resources on training and integration.
Your approach, with a hands-on and on-site visit is in my opinion the ONLY ONE that works. Classes don’t. Books don’t. Tutorials don’t. You showed my team and myself how to do it, why we ought to do it, and then we did it! It was the best money I have spent on my business this year and I endorse you and your company without hesitation.
Gary – feel free to use my name as a reference and until the next time we have you out here – keep up the good work!”

…I had a 1 hour phone consultation with Gary on Friday, and his methods and tips on setting up and using AO (Agent Office – Agent 2000 – Online Agent) are extremely valuable, and saved me countless hours of learning on my own. Wow. No kidding. Best $ I have spent on my business in a long time, and I immediately scheduled more consultation calls with him next week.

“I love Soar eMLS, my custom Web site from Sizzling Studios, their Web positioning, the popularity links from Linkage Express, and the Google adwords. You haven’t steered me wrong yet. What else do you have up your sleeve?”

“Gary, I can’t thank you enough for helping me understand the role technology would play in increasing my sales and systems. The time that you spent pulling all the loose ends together for me, and explaining and simplifying it all has proven to be invaluable. I have gone from throwing internet leads in the trash, to being the first one to respond. The familiarity that you have with the products real estate professional’s use, helps what was once overwhelming become fun and exciting. Thanks again.”

“…it was nice learning from someone that does not treat you like an idiot for not knowing something”

After her first of 6 classes, Barb e-mailed with:
“I just wanted to send you an email telling you how much I enjoyed the class and found it so helpful. I have had Agent2000 for RE/MAX since 2000 and have put contacts in it but never used it properly. I upgraded last year to AgentOffice v.6. This class will be a godsend to help me get organized and automated…”

A Real Talk post from a student:
“I’ve just completed Gary Hall’s Agent Office online training course. I found it to be extremely helpful – and unexpectedly fun. I liked the format; visual online demos in conjunction with conference calls. I lucked out with the others in our group as well; Marcia, Dan, I look forward to hearing from you both!
Agent Office is such a comprehensive program that despite the best of intentions on my part, I know I would never quite “get around to” fully learning and utilizing all the features – which is what I really need to do in order to take my business to the next level.
For me, the best part was having the benefit of Gary’s experience. As with any program, Agent Office has its own idiosyncrasies; Gary pointed them out and showed us how to effectively work around them, saving the pain and frustration of having to learn the hard way. He also provided a wealth of information on topics that impact Agent Office, but were not necessarily strictly about the use of the software.
Gary, I hope you read this. I want to publicly acknowledge all of your help. You were always very generous with your time and expertise, both during the actual sessions in the course and outside of them. I never could have gotten that from a book. Many thanks! I look forward to seeing what courses/offerings you may add in the future.”

“The AgentOffice online training was fantastic. The online format really worked out well. I appreciate that you kept it at our pace and answered all our questions. I’ll be back for more training – for sure! It was just what I needed!”

“I just finished Gary’s course. Excellent- you will enjoy it and gain much from it. There is a lot of give and take between the participants and Gary during the sessions and many questions get resolved immediately.”
“Clear, concise, “How-to” advice. To steal a phrase from the home handyman, Gary makes sense of data basing!”

“I recommend Gary’s method of teaching Agent Office over the internet for 6 weeks. It gives us time to do ‘homework’ on each class and return the next week with questions. I have had this software for years and am probably using 10% of it. I am now able to see what it can do as a result of the class. Prior to the class I had not realized how important it could be to me, my team and my future ability to build a saleable business.”

“Gary was great! He answered all of my questions (no matter how basic). This was a very valuable training day – time well spent. With a training background, I found myself observing as a “trainer”. He had great audience involvement, good visuals, control of the group, and was very relaxed and comfortable with the content. His sense of humor is refreshing and a good teaching technique.”

“Gary, I wanted to thank you for your time with my inquiry about and subsequent purchase of Agent 2000. You were prompt in providing me with some great information and made it easy to purchase the contact management software. You were very responsive and up front about the capabilities of Agent 2000. When I approached you about training sessions, you were flexible in offering several sessions on the phone.
Thanks for all of the advice, and I will be calling on you again in the near future and also recommending you to anyone looking for contact management software!”

“When Gary talks about technology in Real Estate he lights up. His passion for the topic is fun; he has a great sense of humor; and he keeps everybody involved…”

“Thank you for a most interesting, informative, well prepared, structured, course. You have managed to make sense of a very confusing issue (Technology). As instructors rate, I give you an A+. You captured 100% of my attention, and that is not easy!

“Excellent & exciting! As a college teacher for 20+ years, I can really appreciate the value & experience of high quality instruction, coupled with an engaging and entertaining personality. I’ll be signing on for more of Gary’s courses in the future.”

“…did an excellent job on the “Understanding the Internet” Seminar on Tuesday. Both the presentation and the materials were excellent. I thought your information was well organized and covered the important points without getting bogged down in details that no one needs to worry about.”

“We thoroughly enjoyed the classes you held at our office. Both the agents and I felt the material presented was of a significant value and will help us in our day-to-day work activities. Being more efficient and managing time effectively will only continue to grow in importance in our industry. Having a knowledge of and being able to use technology is an absolute must in today’s business world.
I especially appreciated that fact that you took the time to present an outline to me prior to the class so that we could custom-tailor it to our agents. So many times people take classes where the speaker / teacher never investigates the level of sophistication of his or her students and consequently a significant amount of time is wasted going over items in which the students are already proficient. The agents also appreciated you allocating time for their questions both during and at the conclusion of the class.
Bringing educators like you into an environment like ours provides tangible evidence of the value we as owners and managers provide our associates. As you know, both classes you gave were complete sell-outs with waiting lists. I am looking forward to having you back soon!”

“Mike, just wanted to take a moment and pass on to you how much Gary Hall has helped our office. The numerous tasks he has explained, (SOAR, RE/MAX 2000, Internet, etc.) I not only benefited from his office visits, but have also learned from his ability to teach. I know I have not used all the support systems that region provides (a fact I am changing) but next time I am asked what the region is doing for the money they receive from us, Gary Hall will be at the top of that list.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday’s Internet Training session at the Blue Bell Country Club. The materials presented were informative, and will inspire us to enhance our technology efforts. Gary Hall and Jennifer Gates did an excellent job and should be commended accordingly. We are looking forward to Gary’s visit with us…”

“Gary sent me an advanced copy of his Contact Manager Book. It’s an excellent resource on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), easy to read and full of gems. I highly recommend it, whether you are contemplating buying a CRM or you are currently happy with your CRM.”

“ It’s rare to find someone who understands both the Real Estate business and the intricacies of CRM software. Gary excels at both and has written the definitive book on selecting a CRM for our industry! Positively a “must read” before you invest the time and money into a CRM”

“Choosing & Using a Contact Manager or CRM’ identifies many different options to look for in a Contact Manager or CRM. For that reason it make sense to purchase and read before making a CRM purchase. Well thought out, very helpful. A definite read for anyone, before buying a CM/CRM. .”

“Your book was very insightful to building and maintaining my business using a CRM (contact manager). Thank you very much for doing the research and writing the book. The consultation I got after reading it helped tremendously with my decision to purchase. I will definitely recommend you to fellow Realtors®. I cannot wait to start using the CRM that I have chosen.”