Choosing and Using a CRM

“Gary sent me an advanced copy of his Contact Manager Book. It’s an excellent resource on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), easy to read and full of gems. I highly recommend it, whether you are contemplating buying a CRM or you are currently happy with your CRM.”

“…your book makes for essential reading for any Realtor that wants to derive full benefit from automating their sales and marketing processes. Your writing style also makes for an enjoyable read.”

“ It’s rare to find someone who understands both the Real Estate business and the intricacies of CRM software. Gary excels at both and has written the definitive book on selecting a CRM for our industry! Positively a “must read” before you invest the time and money into a CRM”

“Well thought out, very helpful. A definite read for anyone, before buying a CM/CRM.” ‘Choosing & Using a Contact Manager or CRM’ identifies many different options to look for in a Contact Manager or CRM. For that reason it make sense to purchase and read before making a CRM purchase.”

“Your book has enlightened me to what potential CRM’s have and the discipline I will need to use it fully. I’m still trying to make the decisions, and really appreciate the help and advice in your book.”

“Your book was very insightful to building and maintaining my business using a CRM (contact manager). Thank you very much for doing the research and writing the book. The consultation I got after reading it helped tremendously with my decision to purchase. I will definitely recommend you to fellow Realtors®. I cannot wait to start using the CRM that I have chosen.”

“I truly loved your book and found it extremely informative. I believe it will be a valuable resource to my business for years to come. Please keep me informed of updates to the book or any other products you create.”