
Computer hardware and software purchases are not independent decisions

When smart phones first gained popularity, people started buying them without first finding out what CRMs would synch with them. When Mac started doing its marketing push and agents started going out and buying Mac desktops and laptops, they bought them and then came to me to find out if the CRM they had been considering would work on them. They were often disappointed.

Now the same thing is happening with tablet computers.

The point is that hardware comes and goes. Phones, desktops, laptops, phones, and tablets get replaced every few years. If you pick the right CRM, you may end up using it the rest of your career.

Before purchasing hardware you need to try to determine what software purchases are in your foreseeable future. Before you buy hardware or software, find your preferences for both, then find out which works with which, then make your purchases accordingly.

via Computer hardware and software purchases are not independent decisions.