Been planning to implement workflows, but just can’t get the time?

Get up to “Tech-Speed”

You can finally implement the plans and e-mails/letters that keep you on track during listings and closings, instead of just wishing you could get to it.

If you have Top Producer, Agent Office, Active Agent for Outlook, or AdvantageXi, Trans-Plans are included and will be installed as a starting point, saving time. If not, we simply start from scratch with whatever CRM you use, using the plans as a written template. I will consult free online to see what can be done to organize you with your CRM if it is other than the above listed ones.

This is not a class you attend to learn how to implement activity plans.

This is 100% live one-on-one implementation on-line or on-site!

“If you’re like most agents I’ve worked with, you have a very difficult time making the time to implement the technology you want.  In this program, we finally sit down and organize your operation!  The more times I do this, the more it becomes obvious that the thing agents most value about this program is that it forces you to sit down with me and literally put into effect a plan to organize your listings and transactions from start to finish.  Not just talk about it, but literally put it into effect. When we are done, you will have put the task of getting organized for listings and closings behind you.”

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