What could I be doing with my CRM/Contact Manager?
The following is a list of functions that a good CRM enables you to do. Many people buy a CRM because they are told they need one, or because they want to get more organized. Often while evaluating a CRM or after purchasing one, they then end up saying that it cost too much for […]
What do Top Producer, Agent Office, Active Agent, AdvantageXi, IXACTContact & WiseAgent have in common?
If you have one of these programs, are you using the Activity Plans capability? Most people are familiar with using plans to automatically follow up with prospects, or to follow up with clients after closing, but what about in between? What will Real Estate Transaction Management Trans-Plans do for you? Reduce your overall stress level more than […]
Been planning to implement workflows, but just can’t get the time?
Get up to “Tech-Speed” You can finally implement the plans and e-mails/letters that keep you on track during listings and closings, instead of just wishing you could get to it. If you have Top Producer, Agent Office, Active Agent for Outlook, or AdvantageXi, Trans-Plans are included and will be installed as a starting point, saving time. If […]
Do you write letters?
This may sound like a stupid question, but it’s not the first time it has come up. On 4 separate occassions I have been consulting with someone who is creating a new RE CRM, and they did not provide the ability to create a one-off original letter. In other words, you are in a contact’s record, and you want […]
What does a CRM do anyway?
If you don’t know what a Customer Relationship Manager does, how can you know if you need one? Do you run your business like a business? You’re probably tired of hearing that old question, but it’s one of the many things a CRM helps you do better. So what doe s a CRM do? If […]
Are you using your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) to follow-up?
My timing in my career in Real Estate sales was impeccable – not! I started in 1987, when the market was starting its decline, and I got out in 1994 when the market was turning to the good once again. In my first year, I sat new construction for my broker, and that community’s sales […]