Trans-Plans for Wise Agent
Wise Agent Listing & Closing Activity Plans
Letters & Drip Campaigns
The listing and closing plans included with Wise Agent are a core group of tasks that can be used as a starting point, but are not comprehensive. Trans-Plans plans and emails are extremely comprehensive and will be installed into Wise Agent for you. Included in the plans are drip mail campaigns to thank buyers, sellers, and referrers, and keep your clients informed and therefore calmed down, always asking for referrals at the same time.
They were initially created for the Pennsylvania market, but by working one on one implementing them with agents and teams in many states, they have been expanded to include many other markets throughout the country including New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Illinois, Nevada, Missouri, Mississippi, California, Hawaii, Washington, Florida, Texas, and Massachusetts. The point is that they will probably cover at least 95% of what you do in your market, no matter which state you are in. Tailoring the balance of them to meet your market’s needs is easy compared to starting from scratch.
Completely customizable. You start with the template list and tweak it to your market where necessary.
- Four plans – Buyer Closing, Seller Closing, Listing, and Listing Price Adjustment
- Over 300 tasks
- 27 letters you need to send throughout a listing & sale
- Wise Agent installs the plans and letters for you when purchased through this site
- Calls you need to make
- To-do’s you need to do
- MUCH more than just transaction management
- Newer agent or assistant? This is a must have!
What is the Wise Agent Activity Plans Package?
These plans are comprised of over 300 to-do’s, phone call reminders and emails. They are installed by Wise Agent when purchased here and already have the overwhelming majority, if not virtually all of the tasks you need to facilitate the transactions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These plans are NOT just ‘Transaction Management’. They include MANY more details associated with a listing and sale.
The most common question asked is:
What’s the difference between what Wise Agent already has, and Trans-Plans?
The bottom line is that the checklists provided are basic, and contain no e-mails. There are three basic ckecklists for listings and closings but Price Adjustment. Trans-Plans contain four extremely comprehensive action plans/campaigns, consisting of over 300 activities, and include 28 letters and e-mails.
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are you where you want to be with regards to being organized in your listing and sales transactions? When you take a listing, or sell a home, are you confident that the bulk of the transaction will flow smoothly, without details falling through the cracks? Or do you wake you up at night thinking – “Oh bleep, did I…….(fill in the blank)?”
If you have someone doing your transaction management, how much do they do? They don’t do everything you need to track throughout your listing, or your side of the sales transaction. Do they remind you to; track your client in Wise Agent and change their categories; send all the relevant emails, remind you to mail just listed or just sold post cards, key the change of addresses and phone numbers into Wise Agent, turn on and off their utilities, submit all the appropriate paperwork, make follow-up calls, check on the transaction coordinator, and much more.
Was your original intention when you bought Wise Agent to get better organized? If you haven’t put together your Activity Plans for Listing & Sales Transaction Management yet, what’s going to change to make that happen?
‘Trans-Plans’ will make it happen!
I’ve taught many hundreds of agents how to create “Activity Plans”. very few of them have ever made the time to sit down and create the activity plans that will help them organize their listing & sales transactions, and/or provide an automated list to tell their assistant/team what is expected of them. Why? Because it is extremely time consuming to create the lists of activities, and write the emails that you need to go with them. These plans, comprised of over 300 tasks are installed by Wise Agent automatically after payment, and already have the overwhelming majority, if not virtually all of the tasks you need to do, calls you need to make, and the associated emails or letters you need, to facilitate the transactions.

“Personally, I think your emails are extremely well crafted, and, as I mentioned above, they cover situations we run into every day in the real world. Having spent a couple hours making sure Florida market idiosyncrasies are covered, I appreciate all the more the tremendous amount of work that went into this effort. …
I know when I first started doing real estate, I would have killed to have a set of emails like this. Agents can acquire all sorts of marketing emails, farming, and the like, but where are they going to get pre-written emails that actually help them manage the transaction, build a referral base, and make them look like a superhero at the same time?…
…You are truly amazing! I talk you up at every opportunity. Hopefully, it will result in some business being sent your way.”
List of Emails and Letters
Note that there are two sets of emails. One worded to come from a single agent, and one worded to come from a team.
Example: “If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me.” vs. “If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us.”
Residential Listing Plan:
- Thank You for The Listing
- MLS Copy Cover Letter
- Marketing Recommendation Checklist
- Thank You to an Unlicensed Person for the Referral
- Thank You To An Agent for the Referral
Listing Price Adjustment:
Seller Closing Plan:
- Seller After Contract
- Seller Preparation for Closing
- Closing Inspection Explanation
- Closing Inspection Checklist
- Closing Inspection Explanation to Co-op Agent
- Transaction Status Checklist
- Everything is Proceeding Smoothly
- Seller Data Sheet – form to get new address & phone, birthdays, etc.
- Seller after Closing
- Thank You to a an Unlicensed Person for the Referral After the Closing
- Thank You To An Agent For A Referral After the Closing
- Hope You’re Sleeping Soundly in Your New Home
- Hope All is Well Letter (if seller did not buy right away)
- Thank You to Co-op
- Evaluation Questionnaire
Buyer Closing Plan:
- Buyer After Contract
- Thank You to Agent for Referring Someone
- Thank You to an Unlicensed Person for a Referral
- Buyer Preparation for Settlement
- Closing Inspection Explanation for Your Client
- Closing Inspection Checklist
- Closing Inspection Explanation to Co-op
- Transaction Status Checklist
- Everything is Proceeding Smoothly
- Buyer Data Sheet – form to get phone, birthdays, etc.
- Buyer After Closing
- Thank You to a Unlicensed Person for the Referral After the Closing
- Thank You To An Agent For A Referral After the Closing
- Hope You’re Sleeping Soundly in Your New Home
- Thank You to Co-op
- Evaluation Questionnaire
Both Sides Closing Plan
- The same letters are used in this plan, as are in the above “Seller Closing Plan” and “Buyer Closing Plan” plans.
Schedule a live online demonstration by clicking here.